The electoral process in México

Hello again today I will give my own opinion about the electoral process, the political system and the chaos that is coming if the goverment does´t do anything soon.
Yesterday morning the TRIFE took the negative of the counting vote by vote as the candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (PEJE), Cause he was saying that all the electorla process was not legal, cause he won the election.
It´s true that the election was too closed between Calderon and PEJE, but he ought to obey the desition of the people and he and noboby is above of the law, and an electoral crime is something almost impossible of occuring.
I think he is sick of power, I can see he is obcess, he feels as he was a God who come to save the country, It seems funny but in the end this is so dangerous, because the situation is getting worse.
He is a rebel that doesn´t obey anything. In the first he told in national network that he'd recognize his defeat if it happened; July 2 got and the result was given in July 5 or 6, and as the result was against him he started to protest all the election, then he went to the next instance, the TRIFE, he told again in national network that he would accept the TRIFE´s descition, but whereas the time was spending, he started to take civil actions (as he named, cause for me are rebel actions) like take Reforma Avenue and that stupid action is making that a lot of micro and medium bussiness are breaking out, they´re losing a lot of money, now he is treathing with taking the airport, I think that it´d be worse, an like guy of his team said " These are the light actions then be prepared for the strongest actions). He wanna be president without consider the price, in the long term it´s gonna be so high for the society and really it´s not fair for us the mexican that a stupid man want to play to the hero, I don't understand if he knows that we're tired of that, I agree he could win in the south but he lost all north of the country, he won the poorest states of the country where there is no education where the people have been poor for a many reasons (that I don't want to aboard right now) but PEJE lost the states with the highest level of education, the higehest living quality, but the question here is why? the answer is easy because he is a populist
he's full of shit if want to start a revolution, he told he will continue until the people want. but now I tell him by myself stop right now I've had enough of you.
I must recognise that maybe Fox has not been the best president that we have had, but he has done a lot of good things ( as bad too) he has given too much freedom to the media, now everyone can tell anyting he/she wants everybody can criticaze the president and there is no problem,he has kept the inflation rate in the lowest historical, the stock exchange is the its maximun historic, the popular secure, and the CETES rate (T-bills) are so low; thing that says that the risk of the country is low. This has permited that the credits for buying houses, cars, credit cards, be cheaper, and this allow two things that the people start to save and that spend more an it helps to reactivate the economy.
I think that for today that's been all, I hope your coments...
ahi les dejo este video pa que lo cheken espero y les guste
ahi les van dos videos mas del peje uno esta bastante gracioso.
The another one is cause He does not know to speak english and he wanna be president
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