Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Today was not an easy day

Well I haven't had an easy day, beginnig with the fact that I have no money enough, and my fucking job is does not have any interest on paying me, and I'm sure that it is an abuse, but i cannot do anything either; and definitey I'm sure too that they don't appreciate my skills, and if i do my best, is irrelevant, just another brick in the wall, and I'm tierd that nobody seems to care, I have no money, I have no heritage and I won't do anything with that payment, I think I do not deserve it but well.
Then, for my students have intentions of learning, I pray God takes me away form here everything is full of injustice, and when my day seemed to imporve a fuckin stupid and assohole guy turn off the chalao's switch house, leaving us without light, and well I swear write a better thing in the nerxt post I swear


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